Ithoughts vs simple mind
Ithoughts vs simple mind

ithoughts vs simple mind ithoughts vs simple mind

If this isn’t amazing tech, I don’t know what is. I simply tap my “Run action” key, which automatically opens my draft in iThoughts as a mind map–and does it so quickly, I can barely catch a screenshot of the dialogue!īecause of iThoughts’s sync setup, you can now view (and modify) your mind map in iOS or OSX platforms. Run your “iThoughts: New Map from Outline” action in Drafts. (iThoughts has a nice terminology overview here.)Ģ. You can add more parent, child, and sibling topics similarly. Then dictate that sub-node or child topic. If you want to do sub-nodes (i.e., “children” topics) after you have dictated your main/parent topic, say, “New line,” and then have Siri indent your sub-node with the “tab key” command. To get to a second node, simply say, “New line, new line” and say what your next node/topic will be. To get going, use Siri to record what will be your first node (“topic” in iThoughts parlance). Now the fun part, and it’s just three steps: I’ve assigned this action its own “Run Action” key on the customizable Drafts keyboard, with the label MM. (More on iThoughts and x-callback-url options here.) If you click this link from your iOS device, you can have it install the action right to Drafts. Then head to the Drafts action directory to pick up this nice little callback url to install to Drafts. You can create a mind map with no hands in just three steps on an iPhone.īefore you voice dictate your mind map, you need: I simply tap my “Run action” key, which automatically triggers the “Open in…” action:īecause of MindNode’s iCloud-enabled sync setup, you can now view (and modify) your mind map in iOS or OSX platforms. If you want to do sub-nodes (i.e., “children”) after you have dictated your main/parent node, say, “New line,” and then have Siri indent your sub-node with the “tab key” command. To get to a second node, simply say, “New line, new line” and say what your next node will be. To get going, use Siri to record what will be your first node. Outline the text of your mind map in Drafts. Now the amazing part, and it’s just three steps:ġ. I’ve given this action (which comes already installed with Drafts) its own “Run Action” key on the customizable Drafts keyboard, with its own icon from the emoji keyboard. The Drafts action you’re going to need is “Open in….” You can make a mind map with no hands in just three steps on an iPhone.

Ithoughts vs simple mind